Heroes Wanted!
Who is a hero for you? In this lesson plan, your students´
ideas about heroes are analysed and challenged. Firstly, in an
absorbing interactive way students reveal their opinions and then they
read about six people who are trying to make the world a better place.
Students then prepare posters to present the six heroes. The final
question is: Can everybody become a hero?
In Search of Water INTERMEDIATE
This lesson plan introduces the problem of the bad access to and poor
quality of drinking water in some developing countries and
children´s health and life in general. After an interactive
warm-up, students do a speaking activity on common water-related
topics. Then students work in groups with three different case studies
and make the best of their creativity. In the follow-up, they
brainstorm on possible solutions to the problem.
The Vicious Circle
What job would you never ever do? The lesson plans starts with a
mingling activity with students discussing the least popular jobs and
the circumstances under which they would do them. Then students watch a
video – a real story of two men from the Kibera slum in
Kenya. The concept of the vicious circle of poverty is introduced. As
homework students can write an essay based on given quotes or find out
more about the campaign Make Poverty History or consult the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.